Wisconsin after the Recall Beatdown: Down but Not Out

It is election night in Madison, Wis., and I am standing where it all began, in front of the state Capitol here in the heart of America’s rebel dairyland. Earlier today was the recall election against Gov. Scott Walker, the viciously right-wing governor whose legislative attacks on public workers and…

California Road Trip: Three Cities, Three Shows this Week!

This week I’m wrapping up my spring season of shows with a fun one-two-three punch. On Thursday, I head back to UC-Davis, where the good people of Sacramento Area Youth Speaks continue building one of the most innovative, impressive spoken word and youth empowerment programs in the country. The collaboration…

May Day in Oakland: Immigrant Rights, Occupy Agitation, and a Tank

I wake up to the sound of helicopters. Living in Oakland, the city of beautiful rebellion and tragic violence, I’ve long since learned to recognize the distant buzz of police choppers, but I usually don’t hear it before 8 am. Then I remember: Today is May Day! The revolution is…

Occupy Disrupts Wells Fargo Meeting, Starts Season of “99% Power”

Pushing his way through the crowd outside the Wells Fargo headquarters, Ronald Colbert tried his best to get inside the banking giant’s annual shareholders’ meeting. “Look, I have a proxy vote,” Colbert shouted to the policemen blocking his way, holding up his shareholder invitation. “I have a right to be…

Why Passover is the Greatest Holiday of All Time

  Why Passover is the Greatest Holiday of All Time more than the fourth glass of wine in a family that gets drunk off two more than the smirk you throw at your older brother when you recite the tenth plague, the killing of the first-born more than hiding the…