The Tree Hugger

This is for Oakland, for the fallen brothers, for the fallen trees – and for the good men in my life. The Tree Hugger his skin is brown limbs long, he is lanky like me but still: strong arms, thick spine he is an oak tree rooted in the Town…

I’m on Twitter! Follow Me…or #Killmequickly

                            I resisted as long as I could. Honestly, I did. When everyone told me, “Josh, you gotta get on Twitter! How can you be an artist and not be on there? How can you be an…

Rebels on the Mic – The 5 Hip Hop Albums to Rock this Fall

There have been a lot of big moments in hip-hop this year, but most of them have had little to do with actual music. Frank Ocean came out. MCA died. 2Pac came back to life…as a hologram. Long since having overtaken rock as our dominant musical genre, hip-hop is both…

White Terror in Wisconsin: Paul Ryan, Segregation, and the Sikh Temple Shooting

I remember the first time I saw a Confederate flag in Wisconsin. It was my sophomore year at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and I was driving with my friend Kevin to go see The Roots in Milwaukee. Complaining how we needed to drive an hour and a half just to…

Occupy Your Imagination — Oakland Youth Speak Out

Last month, I had the joy of teaching in two of my favorite schools in the world: Metwest High School and Oakland School for the Arts. And no, they’re not two of my favorite schools just because they’re right down the block from me here in Oakland. Although that doesn’t…