Tag Archives: oakland

Trap Yoga and Trash-Talking Polar Bears: Why I Wrote a Comedy About Gentrification and Global Warming

‘The North Pole’ is streaming now! Watch, enjoy, talk trash in the comments…and read the story behind the story.

The North Pole is Coming Soon. Help Make It Happen!

So yeah. I wrote a web series. It’s called The North Pole. Based here in Oakland, it’s a political comedy that hits on all the big issues and is coming out later this year. But we need YOUR HELP to make it happen!

Dear Kamala Harris

Dear Kamala Harris An Open Letter to Kamala Harris, Attorney General of California, on her refusal to prosecute the policemen who murdered Alan Blueford and other youth of color across the state Dear Kamala, I know you’re from here. Born and raised in this town of sideshows and sidewalk cemeteries….

Relearning the Beautiful Game

                                [This piece originally appeared in the December issue of The Progressive magazine] Whoever said sports and politics don’t mix should come spend a Sunday in the Bay Area. Meet me here near the Golden Gate…

How I’m Voting: From (Not) Obama to Every Proposition in California

Well, it’s about time. After almost two years and over $2 billion dollars that mostly rich people have spent (wasted? invested?) on the presidential campaign alone, Election Day is finally here. This Obama/Romney circus has been going on so long – and has had such little substance -  it’s even…