Blog Archives

Big and Beautiful – My Official, Unbiased Review of “Mirrors In Every Corner”

If I was going to sum up Chinaka Hodge’s new play “Mirrors In Every Corner” currently playing at Intersection for the Arts in one word, I’d say “ambitious.” I mean that in the best sense, in that “Mirrors” is brave and dares to touch on some of the biggest issues…

Big and Beautiful – My Official, Unbiased Review of "Mirrors In Every Corner"

If I was going to sum up Chinaka Hodge’s new play “Mirrors In Every Corner” currently playing at Intersection for the Arts in one word, I’d say “ambitious.” I mean that in the best sense, in that “Mirrors” is brave and dares to touch on some of the biggest issues…

Why I’ll Be in the Streets on March 4th

* Because California spends $7,571 dollars per student on K-12 education each year. (49th in the country…ahead of only Utah.) And we spend $216,081 dollars per incarcerated youth on the juvenile justice system each year * Because I spent my undergrad years at Wisconsin fighting this same fight. We won…

Small world. And small people in it…

My homie & number-one-all-time poetry collaborator/motivator/instigator of the greatest collective of all time, The Last Minute Poets (born, Genna’s Lounge, Madison, WI, 2005; died, when Tracie and Guante left us for Philly and Minneapolis, respectively, 2007)…is the one and only Eric Mata. That’s my man who I was on my…

Love in the Time of Shell Toes

Springtime in the Bay always gave Terrence a certain passionate swagger. The air smelled like blooming roses and fresh weed, the sky had lifted its fog blanket to reveal a beautifully naked sun, and the whole city seemed like one long linoleum floor waiting for Terrence to put his new…