What the Frack, Jerry Brown?!

The escalating battle over fracking in California just got a whole lot funnier.

Today my Movement Generation crew and friends are launching a new video campaign of top comedians, performers, and frontline leaders calling on Gov. Jerry Brown to ban the dangerous, toxic drilling process in the Golden State. Building off the growing grassroots movement across California, the videos poke fun at fracking’s many problems and demand to know of our supposedly green governor: “What the Frack, Jerry Brown?!”

Released online today at WhatTheFrackJerryBrown.com, our campaign is going to air the hardest-hitting video as a TV ad in Sacramento later next month when Gov. Brown and the legislature return to session. The project is launching a crowdfunding campaign for people across California to chip in and help get the ads on the air — and right onto Jerry Brown’s own TV screen.

 Can you chip in $10 to help get these ads on Jerry Brown’s TV screen?

Movement Generation and The Other 98% produced What the Frack in partnership with the Center on Race, Poverty, & the Environment. The project features comedian Kristina Wong and singer Hector Flores from Las Cafeteras alongside community leaders Juan Flores, Lupe Martinez, and Anabel Marquez who are on the frontlines of the fracking crisis in California’s Central Valley. I had the pleasure of co-producing and co-writing the series, and of course my main director Yvan Iturriaga made us all look (relatively) pretty.

Eight videos in all, What the Frack tackles the biggest concerns and controversies about fracking in California. The series highlights how fracking is exacerbating California’s devastating drought, contaminating our food, aggravating racism against Latino communities, putting us at a greater risk of earthquakes…and even exposing Gov. Brown’s oily connection to Dick Cheney.

“We have marched, rallied, and even filed a civil rights lawsuit against Gov. Brown to demand he bans fracking, and now these videos are taking our campaign to a whole new level,” said Juan Flores, a community leader in Kern Country against fracking and performer in the videos. “Crazy comedy plus serious organizing: this is how we’ll ban fracking in California!”

Watch the videos here!
Share your favorite clips with your friends.
Chip in to help get them on Jerry Brown’s TV screen.|

This is a fight we can win, y’all. This is a fight we SHOULD win. Not next year, not ten years from now. THIS YEAR. So let’s do it.

Let’s ban fracking in California.